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Halloween Message


October 31, 2024


Terrebonne Parish Sheriff Tim Soignet wishes children of all ages a fun and happy Halloween, with a reminder that a special emphasis must be placed on safety. The Terrebonne Parish Sheriff’s Office would like to remind its residents to do your part in keeping our children safe while they are Trick-or-Treating.


The Terrebonne Parish Sheriff’s Office will have over 100 additional Deputies patrolling the streets and neighborhoods of the parish, on Thursday, Oct. 31, 2024, from 6pm – 8pm, in order to keep our children safe. 


“Our deputies will be out for at least two hours during Trick-or-Treating,” Sheriff Soignet said. “All available deputies from the Patrol Division, K-9 Division, Traffic Division, Narcotics, and Detectives, will be patrolling in neighborhoods and subdivisions, including those within the city limits of Houma. We will be working hand-in-hand with all state and local Public Safety partners to make sure everyone is safe and secure.”


Sheriff Soignet reminds drivers to use extreme caution, especially during dusk and thereafter. Sheriff Tim Soignet has confirmed that “Hayrides” will be allowed during Halloween within neighborhoods and communities, and not on major roadways or highways within the parish.  All drivers are expected to follow all traffic laws, in addition to being a licensed and sober driver.  Any issues that arise which become a danger to the public or community will be addressed by law enforcement officials.


Sheriff Tim Soignet urges everyone to follow the Safety Tips provided, to ensure a safe and happy holiday.





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